Traditionally Norwegians and Scandinavians prefer Presidents from the Democratic Party. Consequently, we should believe that Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders was our favorites this year.
When we asked 21 people in the streets of Oslo; who they would vote for in the Republican Race, something unexpected happened. It turns out that the Norwegian “Communists” have got themselves a new darling. And our reasons to love is not politically correct.
This is an informal survey. In this video you will meet a broad specter of Norwegians. You get to know what we think about Americans and the US presidential election. Although we live in completely different society, this video shows that there are many similarities. Also when it comes to hard core politics.
We want to thank everyone who participated. You guys are amazing.
This Channel gives you Facts and New Perspectives one of The Richest Country in the World, Norway. According to the UN it’s also the best Nation to live and grow old in. Is it really?
Ronald, the Guide, will take you behind the Picturesque Norway, showing you a Different and more Fun Side of this Scandinavian Country. Because he is half Sami, partly Chilean and Italian with a Norwegian Passport.