10 things you did not know about Vikings. A comprehensive video about these mythical warrior people who are more popular than ever. Do you think they were bloodthirsty, hairy murderers who just could rob, rape and set fire to the towns they came to? Be prepared to change your mind!

In this video you will meet an enthusiastic Viking expert and archaeologist eager to kill the myths from the tourists outside the Viking Ship Museum. The specialist provides startling new insights about Vikings – while she crushes myths like a barbarian. We walk through the amazing Viking Museum with the biggest Viking ships ever found, and take a close look at important details that gives us a new and different understanding of this very modern and interesting warrior tribe from Scandinavia.

Did you know that the Vikings were tech savvy nerds who changed the world through their impressive innovations? Did you know that the Vikings were sensitive artists who loved to smoke pot? Did you know that the Vikings were vain hipsters who plucked eyebrows and dressed up before going into battle? Did you know that the Vikings gave rise to today’s chat and SMS language?

In this video, we meet people from France, Brazil, South Korea, England and Norway and get to know what kind of misconceptions they have when it comes to Vikings – representing all of us in a way.

Mads Nilsson and Ronald Sagatun made this Video. But we could not have done it without help.

First and foremost, we must thank Ellen Marie Næss. She is the star of this video and her communication joy infects all. Together with Augusto Perez and the guard at the Viking Ship Museum they made it possible for us to make this video.
Then we must thank everyone we talked to outside the museum. You give our story energy and authenticity. Big shout out to you guys!

Content contributors:
Thanks a lot to these brilliant artist for their graphics and illustrations
The painting “Naglfar Full” by Jeff Fairbourn,
Devian Art: http://faile35.deviantart.com/

A lot of beautiful Viking paintings and illustrations by
Joan Francesc Oliveras
facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/JFoliveras/?…
Devian Art: http://jfoliveras.deviantart.com/
A big thanks to VisitYork for their cool pics of Vikings at the bathroom, ironing etc. Have a peak to http://www.visityork.org/
Leather Bag by Ellen Marie Næss

Creative Comons via Wikimedia
Viking ship Lofotr by Geir Are Johansen
Olav Trygvassons saga: Gunhild by Christian Krohg
Fliegenpilz fly agaric Amanita muscaria by H. Krisp
Gyda by Knud Bergslien

Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
Leif Eriksson by Christian Krohg
A Viking Foray by John Charles Dollman
Pirates normands au IXe siècle by Evariste-Vital Luminais
Viking Funeral by Frank Dicksee
Slaget ved Svoldre by Peter Nicolai Arbo
Norsemen Landing in Iceland by Oscar Arnold Wergeland
Europe 814 by Hel-hama
Trade negotiations in the country of Eastern Slavs. Pictures of Russian history by Sergey Vasilyevich Ivanov
Leif Ericson on the shore of Vineland by Monro S. Orr
Bateau Viking transporté by Olaus Magnus
Saunassa by Pekka Halonen
Sauna interior by Gallen-Kallela
Arm Ring by Anonoumys
Garlic by Warzyva Czonek
Beifuss (1)
FAI_HOR_Fla_BotanicalGarden by Ruben JC Furtado
Harald Haarfagres saga – Gyda 2 by Christian Krohg
Woman with drop spindle from the Viking period by Peter van der Sluijs
Pirates normands au IXe siècle by Evariste-Vital Luminais
Oseberg ship – IMG 9129 by Daderot
Cannabis 01 bgiu
Psilocybe semilanceata mushroom infield by Dohduhdah (eget verk)
Wikimedia no restraints
Stories for the household from “Internet Archive Book”
Native Tongue – Full Mix.mp3 performed by ? From BentPixle
Tense Dark Drone.mp3 from Bent Pixles, Contribution by Tgreenfee08
BentPixle: “minimusicman Fashion Catwalk”
Heave blood and Die: Dome

Highland Documentary by BentPixels

10 Viking Myths Busted – Get Ready To Be Surprised

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