How to Score Women and Men in Norway
August 20, 2016 13:22
Going to Norway. All you want is right here.
This Channel gives you Facts and New Perspectives on one of The Richest Country in the World, Norway. According to the UN it’s also the best Nation to live and grow old in. Is it really?
Ronald, the Guide, will take you behind the Picturesque Norway, showing you a Different and more Fun Side of this Scandinavian Country. Because he is half Sami, partly Chilean and Italian with a Norwegian Passport.
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Tags: advice, Culture, date, dating in Norway, expat, facts about Norway, fun, how to get laid, Living in Norway, man woman, men and women, Norway, norwegian, Norwegian boyfriend, Norwegian girlfriend, Norwegians, One Night Stand, Oslo, Pick up, Pick up girls, pick up line, Pick up Norwegian girls and boys, PUA, reporting from Norway, scandinavia, study in Norway, travel, Tutorial to Norway, video, yourway2norway