10 things you did not know about Vikings. A comprehensive video about these mythical warrior people who are more popular than ever. Do you think they were bloodthirsty, hairy murderers who just could rob, rape and set fire to the towns they came to? Be prepared to change your mind! In this video you will […]

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Traditionally Norwegians and Scandinavians prefer Presidents from the Democratic Party. Consequently, we should believe that Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders was our favorites this year. When we asked 21 people in the streets of Oslo; who they would vote for in the Republican Race, something unexpected happened. It turns out that the Norwegian “Communists” have […]

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The Norwegian guy, Geirmund, celebrated his birthday with friends who gave him a special birthday song as their present.Usually these songs tend to be happy tributes, but this one sounded like a funeral hymn, like weeping women, depressing and very, very sad. See Geirmund’s reaction here on the saddest birthday song we’ve ever heard. His […]

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Ever wondered what the Norwegians spend their oil money on? It’s not on what you think. This might be a surprising top 5 list. The host is a little embarrassed by the number 1 on the list. Of course, we use the most money to buy a house, apartment, rent, electricity etc – so this […]

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When the tram cannot move because of a wrong parked car. The pedestrians merge forces to solve the issue.

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People in the streets of Oslo have their say on the Republican contenders. Who cries himself to sleep every night? Who will start a war? Who is the slick one? The GOP Candidates Have Strong Opinions About The Scandinavian Model. In This Video The “Socialist” Strikes Back with Trump Styled Arguments. YOURWAY2NORWAY Love the Fact […]

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