Ever wondered what the Norwegians spend their oil money on? It’s not on what you think. This might be a surprising top 5 list. The host is a little embarrassed by the number 1 on the list. Of course, we use the most money to buy a house, apartment, rent, electricity etc – so this list takes care of which comes in addition.

Learn more about Norwegians through their buying habits. Is it different from other rich nations? Are we like the sheiks of the Middle East, splashing money on luxury items? Or does our list reflect the fact that we live in a cold and dark country – where winter is long and the sun rarely shines?

Hopefully this video will give you some insight on what we prioritize in our everyday lives. You will understand more about our passions; the things we need to feel fulfilled. At the same time, you will get some surprising facts on what we don’t spend our money on.

Thanks to bentpixels.com and Beats and Sounds for the following songs:.
Bent Pixels (AudioMicro). Track (“Countdown to destiny”) written by: Alan Paul Ett. Published by: Reformer Music Publishing,
Axero Natural, First Contact – Full Mix, First Contact – Full Mix.mp3, Producer/performer: BENT PIXELS BY PLATINUMTRAX ATMOS_324_23_Hopeful_Tomorrow_Britton_Goldsmith_802676.wav Dope Happy Chill Hip Hop Instrumental/ThatKidGoran/Beat by ThatKidGoran.mp3

This video is made by Mads Nilsson and Ronald Sagatun

This Channel gives you Facts and New Perspectives one of The Richest Country in the World, Norway. According to the UN it’s also the best Nation to live and grow old in. Is it really?

Ronald, the Guide, will take you behind the Picturesque Norway, showing you a Different and more Fun Side of this Scandinavian Country. Because he is half Sami, partly Chilean and Italian with a Norwegian Passport.

Top 5 List. What Do The Norwegian Spend Their Oil Money On?

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