The Norwegian guy, Geirmund, celebrated his birthday with friends who gave him a special birthday song as their present.Usually these songs tend to be happy tributes, but this one sounded like a funeral hymn, like weeping women, depressing and very, very sad. See Geirmund’s reaction here on the saddest birthday song we’ve ever heard.
His friends performed their own, polyphonic version of an otherwise very cheerful, Norwegian birthday song.
Their version is in minor, minor and more minor. Here they perform it. It does not sound like a a tribute.
It was in a cafe in Oslo this happened. All of the sudden we heard a weeping choir who had transformed the cheerful song to one of the saddest birthday songs, ever.
As we approached the company it was revealed that Geirmund Simonsen celebrated his birthday along with the chorus he is a part of: “Houdini.” See the whole song here – cry or laugh.
This Channel gives you Facts and New Perspectives one of The Richest Country in the World, Norway. According to the UN it’s also the best Nation to live and grow old in. Is it really?
Ronald, the Guide, will take you behind the Picturesque Norway, showing you a Different and more Fun Side of this Scandinavian Country. Because he is half Sami, partly Chilean and Italian with a Norwegian Passport.