“Who’s a living Hiroshima?” – Norwegians on the GOP candidates

Who is an angry teacher? Who cries himself to sleep every night? Who is a joke? Who is the slick one? Who is a comedian?

The GOP Candidates Have Strong Opinions About The Scandinavian Model. In This Video The “Socialist” Strikes Back with Trump Styled Arguments.

People On The Streets of Oslo are Confronted With Pictures of Different Republican Candidates. Comments are Direct and Sometimes Shocking. The Participants Recognize Only Two or Three of the Candidates.

YOURWAY2NORWAY Love the Fact that Bernie Sanders Wants to Make the US more like Norway. Our Way of Living and Our So Called Socialist Societies is Now a Hot Topic In The American Presidential Election. We Are Thrilled! That’s Way We Made this Video. What Is Your Opinion about the Candidates and the Scandinavian model?

Bernie Sanders wants to make the US more like Scandinavia and Norway. The GOP candidates hates it and use strong words about our society. Now the Norwegians strike back at the GOPs.

Thanks to all our participants.
Thanks to Niilas https://soundcloud.com/niilas

This Channel gives you Facts and New Perspectives one of The Richest Country in the World, Norway. According to the UN it’s also the best Nation to live and grow old in. Is it really?

Ronald, the Guide, will take you behind the Picturesque Norway, showing you a Different and more Fun Side of this Scandinavian Country. Because he is half Sami, partly Chilean and Italian with a Norwegian Passport.

“Who’s a living Hiroshima?” – Norwegians on the GOP candidates

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